The Executioner’s Journey is an engaging historical novel that will take you to the harsh and unpredictable times of medieval Bohemia. The story follows the fate of young Peter, the son of a scribe from Old Ford, who is thrown into the dark world of the executioner’s craft. Searching for his place in the world, Peter gradually becomes a master executioner, only to uncover the long-lost secret of his true origins.
On his way, Peter encounters love, betrayal and danger, which will lead him to the royal court. His fate becomes entangled when he is called to take over his ancestral heritage, the old fortress of Wildstein. This begins a new chapter of his life, in which he has to face not only the shadows of the past, but also new responsibilities as a knight and lord of the family fortress.
„The Executioner’s Way“ is a story of courage, honor and love that overcomes all obstacles. It is also the story of how one man can defy his fate and create a new life for himself, despite the dark shadows that surround him.
241 pages, 43 chapters
ISBN 978-80-909314-6-6 (pdf)
ISBN 978-80-909314-7-3 (ePub)
Why read the novel „The Executioner’s Way“?
Historical novels have the irresistible ability to draw the reader into another world, to a time when the destinies of kingdoms were decided, and when people faced challenges that we can hardly imagine today. If you are a lover of history, suspense and human stories, the novel „The Executioner’s Way“ should definitely not escape your attention. Here are a few reasons to read this fascinating story.
1. Authenticity and historical accuracy
In his debut novel, Pavel Hrejsemnou masterfully combines carefully studied historical facts with a fictional story that is full of life. „The Executioner’s Road“ takes you to medieval Bohemia, to a time when life was hard and relentless, and when a new challenge hid around every corner. The author places great emphasis on the authenticity of the environment, characters and events, which makes this novel not only a readable story, but also a window into the past.
2. Strong story and deep emotions
The story of Peter, a young executioner from Old Ford, is full of tension, secrets and unexpected twists. It is a story about the search for one’s own identity, about the courage to face fate and about love that overcomes all obstacles. Peter’s fate is connected with many historical events and characters, which adds drama and depth to the novel. The main character develops before the eyes of the reader, and his journey from an ordinary ruffian to a knight and lord of the castle is inspiring and touching.
3. Secrets, intrigue and adventure
„The Executioner’s Journey“ is not only a historical novel, but also an adventure full of mystery and intrigue. The story is gradually revealed as a complex mosaic, where each part has its place and meaning. The mystery of Peter’s origin, his struggle with his own demons and the intrigues that surround him will keep the reader in suspense until the last page.
4. A deeper reflection on human nature
The novel does not shy away from the deeper questions that people asked themselves in the past and which are still relevant today. What does honor mean? What is the price of freedom? And how much does family and the past influence our destiny? These questions are part of Peter’s story and make the reader think about their own values and decisions.
5. Debut worth watching
„The Executioner’s Way“ is Pavel Hrejsemnou first novel, but its quality and depth indicate that the author has a promising writing career ahead of him. If you want to be among the first to discover a new star of Czech literature, you should not miss this novel. Pavel Hrejsemnou has already proven his abilities in professional publications and now presents himself as a talented storyteller who also has a lot to offer in the field of fiction.
The novel „The Executioner’s Way“ offers everything a good historical novel should have: tension, emotions, an authentic setting and a strong story. If you like books that not only entertain you, but also enrich and make you think, then this story is exactly for you. Immerse yourself in the world of medieval Bohemia and discover the fate of Peter, which will not leave you cold.
Pavel Hrejsemnou, je český spisovatel a podnikatel, který svůj život zasvětil nejen podnikání, ale také psaní. Většinu života stráví v malebné Kutné Hoře, kde od roku 1994 podniká v oblasti obsahového marketingu a foto-video produkce.
Pavel Hrejsemnou je autorem knih zaměřených na marketing, praktické rady v oblasti foto-video tvorby, osobní rozvoj a historické romány. Jeho vášeň pro historii, zejména období 14. a 15. století, se odráží v jeho literární tvorbě, která často čerpá inspiraci z českých hradů a historických událostí.
Svou lásku k historii a bohaté znalosti z oboru propojuje s moderními technologiemi, čímž přináší čtenářům jak praktické návody, tak poutavé příběhy z minulosti. Pavel Hrejsemnou nadále působí v České republice, kde se věnuje jak své profesionální kariéře, tak literární tvorbě.